February 28th is the last day to submit your finished novel, novella, or nonfiction pitch for our first ever open submissions period. We are accepting novels and novellas between 20k and 120k words in the areas of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and adventure and will choose at least 4 new works to publish between now and March of 2024.
As of this post, we have received hundreds of entries for our first ever open submissions call. We will be reading throughout March and sending proposed contracts at the beginning of April. If you have a nail-biting, heart-pounding story of love, death, and everything in between, we want it!
We are looking for stories that are juicy—full of plot and awesome. But that doesn’t mean we want to skimp on taste. Give us your gorgeous prose, your vast landscapes of wonder, and your characters that make us care. We want to be inspired by you, frightened by you, and forever changed by you.
Novels: 60k – 120k words. Please be prepared to submit your fully finished manuscript.
Novellas: 20k – 40k words. Please be prepared to submit your fully finished manuscript.
Nonfiction: The first chapter and full outline of your nonfiction concept.
As always, Weird Little Worlds Press is a PG-13 press, and we don’t publish splatterpunk, excessive profanity, or explicit sexuality. We do, however, publish awesome stories in the SCIFI, FANTASY, HORROR, and ADVENTURE realms.
Read the full requirements here.
Submit if you dare!

The Weird Team is comprised of several unhinged individuals that have a love of life and a lust for adventure. They scour the world to find the strangest, scariest, and most wonderful news in the universe.