Meet the Band: Lisa Morton

Meet the Band: Lisa Morton

Welcome back, Lisa Morton! Our Weird Little World is a better place when Lisa comes to play. Lisa’s story, “In the House of the Elementals” appeared in Humans Are the Problem. So, if you loved that one, get ready for a new unsettling tale entitled “Goddess”. We’re so...
Meet the Band: Maxwell Gold

Meet the Band: Maxwell Gold

This week Weird Little Worlds is welcoming poet Maxwell I. Gold to the Weird family. Maxwell is contributing a new poem to our PLAYLIST OF THE DAMNED anthology and we’re so excited for you to experience it! Maxwell I. Gold is a Jewish American multiple award-nominated...
Meet the Band: Linda D. Addison

Meet the Band: Linda D. Addison

The fabulous Linda D. Addison will be joining our all-star line-up for PLAYLIST OF THE DAMNED! Weird Little Worlds is excited to share Linda’s creative talent with the world in our 2023 anthology. Linda D. Addison is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University and the...