Welcome to the Band: Carol Edwards

November 16, 2023

If you love poetry, be sure to check out Carol Edwards contribution to Playlist of the Damned. We’re thrilled to welcome Carol to the Weird Little Worlds family and excited for you to read her work!

Carol is a northern California native transplanted to southern Arizona. She lives and works in relative seclusion with her books, plants, and pets (2 dogs, 5 cats, + husband). She grew up reading fantasy and classic novels, climbing trees, and acquiring frequent grass stains. She currently enjoys a coffee addiction and raising her succulent army. Her chosen superpowers would be to heal and to fly.

Her work has appeared in Space & Time, OpenDoor Magazine, Uproar Literary Blog, Heart of Flesh Literary Journal, Cajun Mutt Press, Gyroscope Review, Agape Review, Open Skies Quarterly, Trouvaille Review, POETiCA REViEW, Panoply Zine, The Post Grad Journal, The Wild Word, Red Penguin Books, Open Skies Poetry, The MockingOwl Roost, The Ravens Quoth Press, Southern Arizona Press, White Stag Publishing, and The Quilled Ink Press.

Carol’s debut poetry collection, The World Eats Love, was released on April 25, 2023 from The Ravens Quoth Press.

You can find Carol Edwards on her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Carol’s chosen contribution to our author soundtrack is “Fue (Melody of the Dark),” the Vampire Princess Miyu Official Soundtrack, by composer Kenji Kawai.


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