Weird Little Worlds Press is setting the stage and doing a sound check as we get ready to launch our next anthology Kickstarter!
The Playlist of the Damned funding campaign with begin April 18, 2023. While the campaign is running, we’re going to have some fun. Shall we play a game?
Every day on WLW’s Facebook and Instagram sites, we will post a death-by-music scenario. Each death will be somehow related to music. You get to decide if you think death really happened. Just answer True or False in the comments.
On the final day of the Kickstarter, we’ll post the answer key here on the blog. Yes, we are going to make you wait till the concert is over to find out your grade.
- No googling! Seriously, where’s the fun in that?
- You can answer once a day on each social media site.
- Points will be awarded for right answers, shares, creative details added to the basic story, and quite possibly the whims of the demon overlords. Each point is an entry into the final drawings. The more entries, the more chances to win.
Once the Kickstarter closes winners will be randomly chosen from the responders on each site. These fortunate souls will receive a free copy of Playlist of the Damned.
*Death by Music Trivia is loosely based on the Stupid Deaths board game by University Games. Some stories were gathered from their play cards.
The Weird Team is comprised of several unhinged individuals that have a love of life and a lust for adventure. They scour the world to find the strangest, scariest, and most wonderful news in the universe.