You didn’t think that we’d neglect our fantasy fans this summer, did you? Here are the fabulous places we found for you to head for a vacation that doesn’t include a mouse or movie theme park.
First, here’s a big shout-out to the state of Utah for providing fantasy nerds with the year-round, role-playing adventure of the century. Check out Evermore. If you’re looking to fight a different kind of dragon, enter their lands in Fantasy Canyon for nature’s version of another world. It’s also worth a trip to Salt Lake City to visit The Legendarium bookstore.
Now, for the big winners. Head to California, New York, and Washington for the biggest variety of treats for your fantasy-loving heart. Here’s a taste of what you’ll find.
The operating hours are limited, but if you get a chance, wander through a different land of fancy and fantasy in Queen Califia’s Magical Circle sculpture garden in Escondido.
The Requiem Cafe in Anaheim has a lot of fun and fantasy on offer, including an extensive nod to the anime crowd.
Go for dinner and drinks at The Cauldron Buena Park.
The avid Bigfoot hunter owes it to himself to make a stop at the Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton, California.
Scum and Villainy Cantina in Hollywood is a great stop for the sci-fi and fantasy crowd. Or, you can go for a more easygoing meal at the Snow White Cafe in Los Angeles. Then, stop into Cakeland.LA in Chinatown for a huge dose of sugary, fanciful weirdness.
The Lost Inferno in San Clemente is a truly unique experience. Try and catch one of their magic shows if you can!
Get lost in the magic mirror at Magowan’s Infinite Mirror Maze in San Francisco, then go shopping at The Pirate Supply Store.
Or, why not combine wine tasting with a medieval castle? Castello di Amorosa
in Calistoga.
Visit the inspiration for the big “mouse” land down the road at the children’s FairyLand in Oakland for a mix of old-school creepy fantasy fun.
If you’ve ever wanted to be part of an exclusive, members-only club, then you might look into The Academy of Magical Arts and step inside the world of The Magic Castle in Hollywood. You can even attend Magic University.
Also, it’s not strictly a fantasy-themed attraction, but our Alice in Wonderland (and Monty Python) loving hearts couldn’t resist noting that there is a Bunny Museum in Altadena, California. Yes, really!
New York
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is currently hosting a fantasy exhibit entitled Crown and Prophet that is sure to please. You can also visit places like Apotheke Mixology and Alice’s Tea Cup.
New York boasts a Harry Potter Store, The Cauldron Co. & Wizard Exploratorium, and the Sea Witch Tavern.
You will also find several locations of HEX&CO board game cafes and other similar destinations peppering New York for all your RPG and other game night fun.
Seattle’s Museum of PopCulture is the place to be for all things fanciful as well as sci-fi and horror. It has something for everyone, including its current exhibit on fantasy worlds of myth and magic.
Washington also seems to be fond of its trolls and gnomes. You can visit the Fremont Troll and the Valley of the Gnomes in Seattle as well as Troll Haven in Sequim.
Seattle also boasts the Ballyhoo Curiosity Shop and the Unicorn & Narwhal bars.
You’ll also want to stop at Dandelion Botanical Company while you’re in Sequim.
You can find a Hobbit House in Port Orchard, the eclectic Maryhill Museum and Stonehenge in Goldendale, and Camlann Medieval Village in Carnation, Washington.

Alison Palmer is a quirky writer with multi-colored hair who lives in the middle of a land scorched by dragon’s breath. She is the mother of four children who are in training to be a Witch, a Dragon’s Princess, a Knight and a Dwarf. When she’s not actively daydreaming, she can be found searching old nooks and crannies for a brownie or house elf willing to come home and do the dishes for her. If she can’t find a brownie a pet unicorn would do.