Table of Contents for Mother Anthology Revealed

July 13, 2022

Last week, those who backed the anthology Mother: Tales of Love and Terror got some awesome news: we have, in fact, chosen all the stories that will be in the final anthology which is now available to preorder through the Weird Little Worlds website.

This year, we projected more submission than the 420 we received last year, despite the fact that we only talked of adding 7 non-featured stories to fill out our star-studded book. Still, there were 670 submissions, which was quite an undertaking to complete in 6 weeks. Our incredible army of slush readers pulled together and provided over 1400 personalized reads and reviews of the stories submitted, allowing us to choose the very best of the best.

The Mother Anthology Additional Author List

In addition to the incredible featured authors that we have right now, we have also added a few well-loved and new voices to the mix.

(sub)Maternal Instincts (Poetry) – K.M. Veohongs

The Bone Child – Ryan Cole

Mother Made Cake – Nicoletta Giuseffi

Lida’s Beach – Stephanie Nelson

The Withering Depths – Gary Todd Powell

Passed (Poetry) – Elizabeth McClellan

The Wives of Tromisle – Dan Coxon

Unchild – Jonathan Louis Duckworth

Mother Trucker – Wailana Kalama

She’s Untouchable (Poetry) – Renee Cronley

Stone’s Blood – Nick Bouchard

Here in the Cellar – R. Leigh Hennig

Instruments of Bone and the Flesh Songs They Create – Nikki R. Leigh

Transformative Love (Poetry) – Tehnuka

Jacob’s Mother – Katie McIvor

Number One – Frances Lu-Pai Ippolito

The Motherless One – Bryson Richard

Cleaning Out Her House, As If She’ll Ever Be Gone (Poetry) – Victoria Nations

Preorder a copy of Mother: Tales of Love and Terror

You can get a copy of this limited edition printing by simply going to our bookstore and giving us money. We are not kidding—this is an incredibly limited run. Preordering guarantees you one of these gorgeous books and gives you one of the finest anthologies of horror, dark fantasy, and science fiction available today.

Grab a copy now!

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Limited edition art cards featuring never-before-seen stories from modern masters of horror.

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