Welcome to the Band: Jonathan Duckworth

November 9, 2023

Today’s shout-out goes to Jonathan Duckworth. Welcome to Weird Little Worlds, Jonathan!

Jonathan Louis Duckworth claims to be a completely normal, entirely human person with the right number of heads and everything. This is a no-judgment zone, so who are we to question his origins?

He received his MFA from Florida International University and his PhD from the University of North Texas where he is currently a guest lecturer. He is also an active HWA member. 

Jonathan’s speculative fiction can be found in Pseudopod, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Southwest Review, Flash Fiction Online, and elsewhere. 

He is available for stalking on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Jonathan has chosen Windowpane by Opeth (featuring Steven Wilson in backing vocals with Mikael Akerfeldt) to convey the melancholic tone of his story for Playlist of the Damned.

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Featuring award-winning authors, gorgeous art, and stories that will crawl inside your brain and never leave, Playlist of the Damned in the earworm of your nightmares. Featuring new stories by Gemma Files, Mercedes M. Yardley, Philip Fracassi, and more!

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