Welcome to the Band: Julia LaFond

November 7, 2023

Welcome to Playlist of the Damned, Julia LaFond! Weird Little Worlds is pleased to be able to share your talent with the world.

Julia LaFond got her Masters in Geoscience from Penn State University. Her repertoire includes short and flash fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. She’s recently had flash fiction published in Funny Times, Thirteen Podcast, and Etherea Magazine. You can also find her work in publications from Black Hare Press, White Cat Publications, Air & Nothingness Press, Water Dragon Publishing, B Cubed Press, and Bag of Bones Press.

Her storytelling also extends to professionally facilitating role-playing games. When she’s not reading, writing, or gaming, she enjoys advocating for disability justice.

You can find Julia at https://jklafondwriter.wordpress.com/.

Julia has chosen Another Way You Can Die by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra as her contribution to our author playlist as a representation of her story in Playlist of the Damned.

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Featuring award-winning authors, gorgeous art, and stories that will crawl inside your brain and never leave, Playlist of the Damned in the earworm of your nightmares. Featuring new stories by Gemma Files, Mercedes M. Yardley, Philip Fracassi, and more!

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