Welcome to the Band: Virginia Kathryn

November 14, 2023

Today Weird Little Worlds is welcoming Virginia Kathryn to the Playlist of the Damned fold.

Virginia Kathryn is a songwriter and storyteller based in northern Colorado. Writing has driven her career in many directions. Virginia worked as a freelance writer for Omaha Magazine for two years, then as a music columnist at The Reader. Now, she works as a nonprofit grant writer by day and creates new worlds by night. Virginia participated in the Futurescapes workshop for writers of speculative fiction in 2018 and 2021. Her stories transform trauma into nightmares, as a reminder that memories are like dreams—we can always choose to wake up, but sometimes, they haunt us even in waking.

As a prolific songwriter, Virginia melds influences of folk, blues, and jazz into an accessible yet harmonically sophisticated melodic tapestry. Over the past decade, she has performed at festivals, neighborhood bars, and house concerts, and participated in workshops hosted by the Silkroad Ensemble, Folk Alliance International, and Richard Thompson. She has also produced original compositions for local filmmakers, videographers, and poets in the Omaha area. 

Her debut album, Vintage Sepia, was released in June 2018 and is available on all streaming services. She is currently working on her second album, Restless Young Thing, and planning for an independent release in 2024.

Virginia has chosen Cherry-Coloured Funk by the Cocteau Twins as the soundtrack for her story in Playlist of the Damned. Have a listen and get excited about another great story!

Virginia would like to thank and provide credit to Dryden Thomas for her provided author photo.

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Featuring award-winning authors, gorgeous art, and stories that will crawl inside your brain and never leave, Playlist of the Damned in the earworm of your nightmares. Featuring new stories by Gemma Files, Mercedes M. Yardley, Philip Fracassi, and more!

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