Whether your game is science fiction, fantasy, horror, or literary fiction, there are some great calls for short fiction over the next couple of months.
Short Fiction Submission Round-Up Jan 2024
It’s the beginning of the year, and that’s the hottest time for small presses and magazines to accept short fiction. Here are a some markets that are actively accepting horror, science fiction, and fantasy through the month of January. Let us know in the comments when you submit to one of these awesome markets, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Payment Chart
- SFWA Rate or more: .08 per word – $$$$$
- HWA Rate: .05 per word – $$$$
- Semi-Pro Rate: .03 per word – $$$
- Novice Rate: .01 – .02 per word – $$
- Token: <.01 per word – $
Cosmic Horror Ligotti Tribute ($$$)
- Looking For: Horror
- Deadline: 3/1-3/7
- Pay: .03 per word
- Simultaneous Subs?: No
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 3k-8k
- Theme: Ligotti
Ligottian weird fiction is deeply philosophical and especially pessimistic and nihilistic. His work tends towards the experimental, particularly metafiction, tinged with the theatrical absurd. Think bleak urban environments, people who are more like puppets (and vice versa), human disconnection, and grotesque spectacle.
Submissions Instructions:
Submitted via email to [email protected] as a .doc or .docx file. Please also include a short cover letter with some background information about you, the word count of the story, and a brief synopsis.
Apparition Lit ($$$$$)
- Looking For: All Genres, BIPOC Writers only
- Deadline: 3/1 – 3/7
- Pay: .05 per word
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 1k- 5k
- Theme: Mercurial
Please note that we will not accept AI-generated content submissions. This includes stories or poetry that are written or co-written by AI. We will only accept previously unpublished, complete stories between 1000-5000 words. If the story is complete with an extra hundred words, then it will still be considered. Any stories over 5,100 words, excerpted from a larger work, or incorrectly formatted, will automatically be rejected.
Submissions Instructions:
Submit on their on-site form.
Weird Horror ($$)
- Looking For: Weird, Horror
- Deadline: 3/15
- Pay: $.02 per word up to $100
- Simultaneous Subs?: No
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 500-5k
- Theme:
We are seeking horror and weird fiction from 500 to 5,000 words, firm. Query first if your story is over 5,000 words. We are a home for the strange, the macabre, the eerie, the esoteric, the fabulist, and the gothic. The darkly numinous. The odd. We are not interested in extreme horror. Do not send science fiction or fantasy. We’ve published established professional authors Brian Evenson, John Langan, M. Rickert, Steve Rasnic Tem, and more. But we are also very supportive of emerging writers, and have twice published first-time authors.
Submissions Instructions:
Submit stories via our online portal at Moksha, here: SUBMIT
Penumbric ($)
- Looking For: Fiction, poetry, illustration, graphic narrative, animation, music, or combinations of these (e.g., a spoken-word version of a poem)
- Deadline: 3/15
- Pay: $10 minimum
- Simultaneous Subs?: No
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: <$10k
- Theme:
I would love to see submissions representing not only multiple cultures but subcultures, exploring issues of race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, and many things I haven’t thought of. Does this mean you have to represent everybody and everything in 1000 words? Of course not. But be aware that we are creating a magazine that overall reaches and represents the true diversity of the world we live in. In terms of genre, I am looking for work that constitutes the ever-moving edge of its kind, as a place between light and dark, consciousness and un, today and tomorrow; work exhibiting the strange, the bizarre, that which is not of the world we know, but more of a twilight realm or even altogether alien place. Not necessarily science fiction, not necessarily fantasy, not necessarily horror, and not necessarily not these things. In short, ideally edgy. Maybe even idealistically edgy. I am NOT looking for porn.
Submissions Instructions:
All submissions should be e-mailed (if less than 10 MB in size) to [email protected]. Alternatively, we can make arrangements for submission via DropBox or Box for larger submissions, or if security is an issue. Penumbric is not responsible for submissions lost in the mail, electronically speaking.
Aurealis ($$$$)
- Looking For: Science fiction, fantasy or horror short stories
- Deadline: 3/15
- Pay: $20 per 1000 words
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 2k-8k
- Theme:
Aurealis is looking for science fiction, fantasy or horror short stories between 2000 and 8000 words. All types of science fiction, fantasy and horror that are of a “speculative” nature will be considered, but we do not want stories that are derivative in nature. We do not publish horror without a supernatural element. Although we are an Australian-based publication, we are open to submissions in English from anywhere in the multiverse during specific reading periods. Stories containing an unacceptable number of spelling mistakes and typos, and those that do not conform to our guidelines in other ways, will be rejected automatically. This may seem harsh, but we are being honest about it. Please take the time to polish your work in every way before you send it to us.
Submissions Instructions:
All fiction submissions to Aurealis must be by email. Please e-mail submissions to:[email protected]. Visit the submissions page for specific information about submission format.
The Penn Review ($)
- Looking For: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, and Art submissions.
- Deadline: 3/17
- Pay: No ($10 fee for prize submissions)
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: <2.5k
- Theme: Not From Here
Our Spring Reading Period will be open from February 9 – March 17 for submissions of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and art. There is no fee to submit. Our 2024 Prose, Poetry, and Art Competition also runs February 9 – March 17. The entrance fee for the competition is $10, and winners in each category will receive a $500 prize. The Penn Review only accepts submissions during our biannual reading periods: the Fall Reading Period (September – November) and the Spring Reading Period (February – March). Please submit your work to us using our Submittable platform. Submissions received outside of these reading periods or through e-mail will not be read.
Submissions Instructions:
Submit on Submittable.
Midnight Street Press ($)
- Looking For: Either straight horror (fantastic, supernatural, psychological, very creepy and frightening) or a blend of genres (e.g. horror + slipstream)
- Deadline: 3/29
- Pay: £40 flat rate
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: No word limit
- Theme: Roads Less Travelled
What I’m looking for is any or all of these: fantastic, supernatural, psychological, very creepy and frightening. Please DO NOT send slasher or extremely gory, badly written and constructed stories with no character arc. I hate these! I’m looking for stories that have a mix of two or more of these genres: horror, dark fantasy, sci-fi and slipstream, that explore original themes or traditional themes from an original perspective. Strong language and appropriate sexual imagery is acceptable providing it is in context and important in developing character.
Submissions Instructions:
Submit directly to editor at [email protected]
Ghoulish Tales ($)
- Looking For: Fun horror.
- Deadline: 3/29
- Pay: .10 per word
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: <5k
- Theme: Roads Less Travelled
What we are after: short stories that fit our personal definition of the word GHOULISH, which is “fun horror that aims to celebrate all things spooky.” Note that we said fun, not funny. Comedic stories are definitely allowed, but it’s not all we’re looking to receive. We want stories that remind us why we love the horror genre. We want to have a perverted little smile across our face while reading. Make us slobber like idiots. Turn us into the Sickos.jpeg meme.
Submissions Instructions:
Send all stories & essays to ghoulishsubmissions @ gmail dot com with [TITLE] – [ LAST NAME] – [STORY/ESSAY] – [WORD COUNT] in the subject line. Please do not copy/paste the story in the body of the email. We prefer Word doc attachments if possible. All inquiries can also be directed to the same address.
The Sisterhood of the Black Pen ($)
- Looking For: Fun horror about carnivals
- Deadline: 3/29
- Pay: $15 and 4% royalties
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: <5k
- Theme: Twisted Tales of Halloween Horror: Carnival Carnage
This is the official submission form for Twisted Tales of Halloween Horror: Carnival Carnage. The theme of the anthology is Halloween stories centered in or around carnivals and we would like all stories to include one spicy scene. Story submissions should be within the horror genre. All applicants will receive feedback from our readers on their concept and execution regardless of their acceptance into this anthology. Have fun with it, get your spooky on, and we hope to welcome you into the sisterhood soon! Please direct any questions to [email protected]
Submissions Instructions:
Fill out the Google form.
Sentinel Creatives ($$$)
- Looking For: Nordic weird fiction
- Deadline: 3/31
- Pay: .03
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 3k-6k
- Theme: Nordic Horror Anthology
We’re looking for original weird tales set in the Nordic Region that explore the human (and inhuman) experience through the lens of the weird and the horrific. We’re looking for a diverse selection of stories that run the gamut of folklore and history in the region. Of course, this includes Viking Horror. We will, however, only be looking to include 1-2 stories in this vein. Give us your tales of isolation, of windswept tundras, and of what lurks beneath the frozen fjords. Take us through the streets of Reykjavík, Trondheim, and Henningsvær. Show us walls that live and breathe, telling tales of their own history. Guide us to trap streets into other worlds, and the lost gods who wander them; mountains that walk the earth and seas that pulse with sentience. Show us lost maps and found people. Give us your stories of loss and tragedy, of the surreal and the uncanny. If it’s Nordic and weird, we want it!
Submissions Instructions:
Send your submissions to: [email protected] with the subject “NORDIC HORROR”. All manuscripts should be sent as a word document.
Death’s Head Press ($$$)
- Looking For: Winter horror stories
- Deadline: 3/31
- Pay: .04
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 2.5k – 10k
- Theme: Cold/Winter Horror Stories
Winter is a setting that lends itself to various horror tales, from survival tales to hauntings to slashers with buckets of blood in the snow. Humans long ago mastered survival in the cold, but what happens when one of the necessities (heat, shelter, food) is taken away? What if that lovely cabin in the woods comes with a helping of the supernatural or otherworldly? The stories can and should cover the wide spectrum of coldness. We aim to explore the what if of the cold.
Submissions Instructions:
Submit stories to [email protected]. Subject line: Death’s Head Press Cold Anthology Submission (plus story title/author name. Word Document formatted with 1” margins, 12pt font, and 1.5-double spacing
What Was Found #2 ($$$)
- Looking For: Horror
- Deadline: 3/31
- Pay: .03
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 2k-4k
- Theme: Found Footage
Andy Cull and Gabino Iglesias editors.
Submissions Instructions:
Submit to [email protected] word or pdf only.
Inkd Press ($)
- Looking For: Horror
- Deadline: 3/31
- Pay: $20 or Royalty Share
- Simultaneous Subs?: No
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 2k-7k
- Theme: Behind the Shadows II Anthology
This is horror. Humor and mystery beats are welcome. Express yourself as the theme moves you. There is no restriction as to how you incorporate the theme into your story as long as the genre falls within Speculative Fiction, including Sci-Fi or Fantasy. We encourage you to weave the theme into an engaging story with well-developed characters and deep emotion. Stories that contain infanticide, rape, or gratuitous gore will not be accepted.
Submissions Instructions:
Anonymous submission with no author name in document; 12 pt Times or Arial; .Doc or .Docx; double-space; first line indent; no tabs used. Submit to Google Form.
Snake Bite Books ($)
- Looking For: Horror
- Deadline: 3/31
- Pay: €20
- Simultaneous Subs?: No
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 3k-8k
- Theme: Creature Feature Classics $1: Lycanthropy
Creature Features #1 will launch an anthology series exploring everybody’s favourite horror monsters. We’re starting off with a classic; the full-moon afflicted lycanthropes. We’re looking for a variety of stories so feel free to go in any direction your brain might wander – tales set in the medieval ages, tales set in a dystopian nuclear fall-out, tales set in a robot-dominated 2050 where werewolves live underground in the sewers and hunt survivors of the robot revolution, almost any sub-genre and time goes.
Submissions Instructions:
Follow instructions on Submissions Page
Air and Nothingness Press ($$$$$)
- Looking For: Any genre
- Deadline: 3/31
- Pay: .08 per word
- Simultaneous Subs?: No
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: <1500 words
- Theme: Moving Across the Landscape in Search of an Idea
We are seeking stories for an anthology to be titled Moving Across the Landscape in Search of an Idea. We are looking for stories with 1500 words divided as follows: long titles (minimum 250 words [though we know this might be difficult so, as long as it is an obnoxiously long title, we’ll be ok]), concise narratives (minimum 250 words, maximum 800 words) and copious footnotes, endnotes, marginalia, indices and glossaries (minimum 250 words, maximum 800 words). Authors are welcome to shift word counts between these three parts of their submission, but they must stay within a range of 1500 words for the total submission (ex. a 500 word title, a 600 word narrative, and 400 words of footnotes). Stories are welcome to be submitted in any genre. If you have questions we encourage you to email us or DM us on Twitter or Mastodon. Authors may explore any genre with their stories (yes poetry too!) and we encourage a wide variety of ideas and interpretations.
Submissions Instructions:
Email your submission to [email protected] (Submissions open February 1st, 2024 and close March 31st, 2024). These are firm dates.
Midnight & Indigo ($$$$)
- Looking For: Writing from Black women, all genres and narrative essays
- Deadline: 3/31
- Pay: .07 per word
- Simultaneous Subs?: No
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 1.5k – 8k
- Theme:
Midnight & Indigo is a literary platform dedicated to short fiction and narrative essays by Black women writers. Whether you’re just starting out or have already been published, we want to hear from you! Our digital platform, midnightandindigo.com features a diverse array of voices that connect readers to content featuring strong female lead characters or a Black female POV; across the spectrum of experience. We also publish 2-3 multi-author literary journals each year (print/ebook and/or audiobook) and 1 long-form anthology collection (upcoming 2024). As a Black woman-owned start-up, we’re so excited that you chose us as a potential medium for your voice.
Submissions Instructions:
Use the link at Submittable.
Midnight & Indigo ($$$$)
- Looking For: Writing from Black women, all genres and narrative essays
- Deadline: 3/31
- Pay: .07 per word
- Simultaneous Subs?: No
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 1.5k – 8k
- Theme:
Midnight & Indigo is a literary platform dedicated to short fiction and narrative essays by Black women writers. Whether you’re just starting out or have already been published, we want to hear from you! Our digital platform, midnightandindigo.com features a diverse array of voices that connect readers to content featuring strong female lead characters or a Black female POV; across the spectrum of experience. We also publish 2-3 multi-author literary journals each year (print/ebook and/or audiobook) and 1 long-form anthology collection (upcoming 2024). As a Black woman-owned start-up, we’re so excited that you chose us as a potential medium for your voice.
Submissions Instructions:
Use the link at Submittable.
House of Gamut ($$$$$)
- Looking For: Fantasy, science fiction, horror, thrillers, neo-noir, new-weird, transgressive fiction, magical realism, and literary fiction that leans into genre
- Deadline: 3/31
- Pay: .10 per word
- Simultaneous Subs?: No
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 3k-7.5k
- Theme: Winter in the City: A Collection of Dark, Urban Stories
Short stories (3000-7500 words) that feature something fantastical in a city during winter. Your story will be titled by the city name (i.e. “Boston” or “Sydney”). In this case a “city” should be considered a large population center (over 200,000 permanent inhabitants. The “city” should be a real place—no “Gotham City” or “Hogsmeade.” PLEASE Confirm which city your story will take place in before starting to write. We prefer not want any duplicates.
Submissions Instructions:
Use the link at Moksha.
Rock Creek Books ($$$$$)
- Looking For: Stories from the Dark Reflections world
- Deadline: 3/31
- Pay: .08 per word
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 1k-4k
- Theme: Dark Reflections: Blue Plate Special
It’s 1920. The customers and staff in a quiet, small-town diner near an East Coast city all feel a tug. Something has gone wrong, and the few who seem to notice must piece together what lives they can in a world stirred and reassembled with mistranslated instructions. Take a meander from places labeled normal to a world that clatters, slinks, and drips. The first book of this shared world series is planned for late 2024. 5-6 authors will each carry a single third-person point of view protagonist with their own agendas and storylines. Overlaps, conflicts, and shared/competing agendas will complicate the characters’ lives as they work to unravel the mystery of the reflections and survive its many dangers.
Submissions Instructions:
Submit on their on-site form.
The Other Stories ($)
- Looking For: Fantasy, science fiction, horror, thrillers, neo-noir, new-weird, transgressive fiction, magical realism, and literary fiction that leans into genre
- Deadline: 4/1
- Pay: 15GBP
- Simultaneous Subs?: No
- Multiple Subs?: No
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 2000 words (+/- 20%)
- Theme: Dark Magic
If you think you’ve got what it takes to terrify, scar and haunt our audience of 10,000 daily listeners, then we want your stories! If accepted, we’ll get our fantastic narration team to lend their voices, our editor will sprinkle some magic pixie dust on the track, and you could have your story heard by thousands of listeners each week.
Submissions Instructions:
Upload your story, short pitch, bio, and images to the Google form.
Kangis Khan Publishing ($$$$$)
- Looking For: Fantasy, science fiction, horror, thrillers, neo-noir, new-weird, transgressive fiction, magical realism, and literary fiction that leans into genre
- Deadline: 4/1
- Pay: .08 per word
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: Yes, up to 2 per author
- Reprints?: No
- Length: 1k-4k
- Theme: Fear of Clowns: A Horror Anthology
Kangas Kahn Publishing is seeking unpublished horror short stories for an upcoming anthology titled Fear of Clowns: A Horror Anthology to be published in September of 2024. We’ve brought back editor extraordinaire Kenneth W. Cain who did such a great job on our first hit anthology October Screams. As usual, we’re less concerned with theme than we are with entertaining stories. We’re not necessarily looking for a clown-murdering-people story–if that’s your story, it better bring something new to the table. Ask yourself, does this story belong in a book called Fear of Clowns? If the answer is yes, send it! Note: We are the same people that put out the movies “Fear of Clowns” and “Fear of Clowns 2”, but we’re not looking for stories that have anything to do with that, so please don’t send movie tie-ins.
Submissions Instructions:
Please attach your story in .doc or .docx format and email it to [email protected] with the subject “Fear of Clowns Anthology Submission”. In the body of the email, please give us a short bio with credits, if any. Not having credits doesn’t mean anything to us; the story is what counts. Make sure your story is in proper format(Shunn)–you can find details here: https://www.shunn.net/format/
Rabbit Hole Anthology ($)
- Looking For: Odd, unusual stories
- Deadline: 4/30
- Pay: Royalty Share
- Simultaneous Subs?: Yes
- Multiple Subs?: Yes, up to 4 per author
- Reprints?: Yes
- Length: <5k
- Theme: Not From Here
“Not From Here” allows for a wide range of stories. Aliens, or a sense of alienation, immediately come to mind. Also being in a strange place, being from a strange place, anything – think Kafka, Bierce, Serling, or Lovecraft — and we’re really looking forward to your interpretation, because falling into the Rabbit Hole is always a bizarre and unique experience. What we’re looking for are odd, unusual stories, what August Derleth referred to as “off trail” stories – happy, sad, good, bad, or even indifferent. Stories can emphasize whatever floats, or sinks, your boat. Just remember to keep it weird as befitting a trip down the Rabbit Hole. Remember, ‘weird’ doesn’t always mean outlandish – it can be subtle, discreet, even furtive. Witty too, or burlesque – we’re always open to humor. Or even, at a stretch, humour. We look forward to discovering whatever means you choose to warp, subvert, disfigure, disguise or otherwise befuddle the concept of weirdness.
Submissions Instructions:
Send submissions in an attached file to rabbitholecoopiv@gmail.com with the subject ‘Co-op submission.’ Stories may have been previously published on personal websites (or elsewhere) but authors must have full rights to them when submitting (and please let us know when submitting that the story has been previously published, and where.

Willow Dawn Becker is an author, voice personality, marketing maven, and entrepreneur. She co-founded Weird Little Worlds Press in 2020 despite a raging pandemic and huge personal losses. Her work can be found at Black Fox Literary Magazine and Space and Time Magazine. She lives in Utah with her family and pug-huahua, Indiana Bones.