
August 25, 2023

Let’s travel back in time for a minute. Something cool happened way back on May 15, 2023, and we couldn’t tell you about it right away. These things happen.

Then, we openly admit, more cool things happened that we COULD tell you about and we forgot to circle back. We blame the Weird Little Worlds Minion in charge of the to-do lists.

Soooo, without further ado, join us in watching Weird Little World’s CEO, Willow Dawn Becker, strut her stuff on Jay Leno’s You Bet Your Life. You’ll learn a bit of trivia about why Willow calls herself The Horror Queen and find out just how much she knows about men’s fashion. (We’re not sure which is scarier.)

Willow and her partner in guessing games begin their stellar performance at about the 9:15 mark if you want to skip ahead.

You Bet Your Life with Jay Leno –  THE HORROR QUEEN – Season 2 – Full Episode 171

Fracture by Mercedes M. Yardley - Mother: Tales of Love and Terror

Rock Stars of Horror Collector's Cards

Limited edition art cards featuring never-before-seen stories from modern masters of horror.

Preorder Playlist of the Damned

Featuring award-winning authors, gorgeous art, and stories that will crawl inside your brain and never leave, Playlist of the Damned in the earworm of your nightmares. Featuring new stories by Gemma Files, Mercedes M. Yardley, Philip Fracassi, and more!

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Humans are the Problem on Long List for Best Horror of the Year, Vol 14, ed. by Ellen Datlow

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